
Composite continuous path systems and differentiation. (English) Zbl 1210.26007

The author deals with functions \(f: [a,b]\to\mathbb{R}\). A path leading to \(x\in [a,b]\) is a set \(E_x\subset[a,b]\) containing \(x\) and having \(x\) as a point of accumulation. A path system is a collection \(E= \{E_x: x\in [a,b]\}\) such that each \(E_x\) is a path leading to \(x\). If \(\lim_{y\to x,y\in E_x}(f(y)- f(x))/(y- x)= g(x)\) is finite, then \(f\) is \(E\)-differentiable at \(x\) and \(f_E'(x)= g(x)\). The extreme \(E\)-derivatives of \(f\) at a point \(x\) are \(\overline f_E'= \limsup_{y\to x,y\in E+x}(f(y)- f(x))/(y- x)\) and \(\underline f_E'(x)= \liminf_{y\to x,y\in E_x}(f(y)- f(x))/(y- x)\). A decomposition of the interval \([a,b]\) is a family of closed sets \(A_i\), \(i= 1,2,\dots\), such that \(\bigcup^\infty_{i=1} A_i= [a,b]\). A function \(f\) is said to be compositely differentiable to a function \(g\) relative to the decomposition \((A_i)^\infty_{i=1}\) of the interval \([a,b]\) if for each \(i\) and \(x\in A_i\lim_{t\to x,t\in A_i}(f(t)- f(x))/(t- x)= g(x)\). Let the family of compact subsets of \([a,b]\) be endowed with the Hausdorff metric. Let \(E= \{E_x: x\in [a,b]\}\) be a system of paths so that \(E_x\) is a compact subset of \([a,b]\) for each \(x\). If the function \(x\to E_x\) is continuous on each \(A_i\), \(i= 1,2,\dots\), then \(E\) is said to be a composite continuous system of paths on \([a,b]\). The athor shows:
(1) Each composite derivative that can be expressed as path derivative is also a composite continuous path derivative;
(2) Let \(E= \{E_x: x\in [0,1]\}\) be a composite continuous sysetm of paths.
Then (i) if \(f: [0,1]\to \mathbb{R}\) is a continuous function, then \(\underline f_E'\) and \(\overline f_E'\) are \(B_2\) functions; (ii) if \(f: [0,1]\to \mathbb{R}\) is a Borel measurable function, then \(\underline f_E'\) and \(\overline f_E'\) are Lebesgue measurable.


26A24 Differentiation (real functions of one variable): general theory, generalized derivatives, mean value theorems
26A21 Classification of real functions; Baire classification of sets and functions
26A27 Nondifferentiability (nondifferentiable functions, points of nondifferentiability), discontinuous derivatives