
Canonical \(1\)-forms on higher order adapted frame bundles. (English) Zbl 1212.58002

Summary: Let \((M,\mathcal F)\) be a foliated \((m+n)\)-dimensional manifold \(M\) with \(n\)-dimensional foliation \(\mathcal F\). Let \(V\) be a finite dimensional vector space over \(\mathbb R\). We describe all canonical (\({\mathcal F}ol_{m,n}\)-invariant) \(V\)-valued \(1\)-forms \(\Theta \: TP^r(M,{\mathcal F}) \to V\) on the \(r\)-th order adapted frame bundle \(P^r(M,\mathcal F)\) of \((M,\mathcal F)\).


58A20 Jets in global analysis
58A32 Natural bundles