
A characterization of arithmetical invariants by the monoid of relations. (English) Zbl 1213.20059

It has been shown by S. T. Chapman, P. A. García-Sánchez, D. Llena, V. Ponomarenko and J. C. Rosales [Manuscr. Math. 120, No. 3, 253-264 (2006; Zbl 1117.20045)] that the knowledge of the monoid of relations in a finitely generated monoid permits to calculate several invariants (catenary degree, tame degree, elasticity, …) related to non-unique factorization. In this paper the author extends this approach to the case when the monoids are not finitely generated.


20M14 Commutative semigroups
20M05 Free semigroups, generators and relations, word problems
13A05 Divisibility and factorizations in commutative rings


Zbl 1117.20045


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