Agon, Carlos (ed.); Andreatta, Moreno (ed.); Assayag, Gérard (ed.); Amiot, Emmanuel (ed.); Bresson, Jean (ed.); Mandereau, John (ed.) Mathematics and computation in music. Third international conference, MCM 2011, Paris, France, June 15–17, 2011. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1216.00007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6726. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-21589-6/pbk). xv, 375 p. (2011). Show indexed articles as search result. The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1217.00015].Indexed articles:Bergeron, Mathieu; Conklin, Darrell, Subsumption of vertical viewpoint patterns, 1-12 [Zbl 1335.00116]Bigo, Louis; Giavitto, Jean-Louis; Spicher, Antoine, Building topological spaces for musical objects, 13-28 [Zbl 1335.00117]Canonne, Clément; Garnier, Nicolas, A model for collective free improvisation, 29-41 [Zbl 1335.00118]Carey, Norman, On a class of locally symmetric sequences: the right infinite word \(\Lambda _{\theta }\), 42-55 [Zbl 1335.00119]Clampitt, David, Sensitive interval property for scales as words in the free group F2, 56-68 [Zbl 1335.00120]Fiore, Thomas M.; Noll, Thomas, Commuting groups and the topos of triads, 69-83 [Zbl 1335.00121]Hook, Julian, Spelled heptachords, 84-97 [Zbl 1335.00122]de Jong, Karst; Noll, Thomas, Fundamental passacaglia: harmonic functions and the modes of the musical tetractys, 98-114 [Zbl 1335.00128]Large, Edward W., Musical tonality, neural resonance and Hebbian learning, 115-125 [Zbl 1335.00124]Martins, José Oliveira, Interval cycles, affinity spaces, and transpositional networks, 126-139 [Zbl 1335.00125]Martorell, Agustín; Gómez, Emilia, Two-dimensional visual inspection of pitch-space, many time-scales and tonal uncertainty over time, 140-150 [Zbl 1339.00013]Mazzola, Guerino; Thalmann, Florian, Musical composition and gestural diagrams, 151-164 [Zbl 1339.00014]Meredith, David, Tonal scales and minimal simple pitch class cycles, 165-179 [Zbl 1339.00015]Milne, Andrew J.; Carlé, Martin; Sethares, William A.; Noll, Thomas; Holland, Simon, Scratching the scale labyrinth, 180-195 [Zbl 1339.00016]Peck, Robert W., \(n\)th roots of pitch-class inversion, 196-206 [Zbl 1339.00017]Plotkin, Richard, Cardinality transformations in diatonic space, 207-219 [Zbl 1339.00018]Popoff, Alexandre, Indeterminate music and probability spaces: the case of John Cage’s Number Pieces, 220-229 [Zbl 1321.00087]Quinn, Ian; Mavromatis, Panayotis, Voice-leading prototypes and harmonic function in two chorale corpora, 230-240 [Zbl 1339.00019]Schankler, Isaac; Smith, Jordan B. L.; François, Alexandre R. J.; Chew, Elaine, Emergent formal structures of factor oracle-driven musical improvisations, 241-254 [Zbl 1335.00126]Sluchin, Benny; Malt, Mikhail, Open form and two combinatorial musical models: the cases of Domaines and Duel, 255-269 [Zbl 1335.00127]Stylianou, Nicholas, Exploding the monochord: an intuitive spatial representation of microtonal relational structures, 270-284 [Zbl 1339.00020]Tonietti, Tito M., Music between hearing and counting (a historical case chosen within continuous long-lasting conflicts), 285-296 [Zbl 1339.00021]Tymoczko, Dmitri, Mazzola’s model of Fuxian counterpoint, 297-310 [Zbl 1339.00022]Žabka, Marek, Introduction to scale theory over words in two dimensions, 311-325 [Zbl 1339.00023]Baroin, Gilles, The Planet-4D model: an original hypersymmetric music space based on graph theory, 326-329 [Zbl 1321.00079]Buteau, Chantal; Anagnostopoulou, Christina, Motivic topologies: mathematical and computational modelling in music analysis, 330-333 [Zbl 1339.00006]Hirata, Keiji; Tojo, Satoshi; Hamanaka, Masatoshi, Melodic morphing algorithm in formalism, 338-341 [Zbl 1339.00007]Ho, Jocelyn, From 2D to 3D: using geometry and group theory to model motivic structure in musical composition, 342-345 [Zbl 1339.00008]Honingh, Aline; Bod, Rens, Clustering and classification of music by interval categories, 346-349 [Zbl 1339.00009]Jedrzejewski, Franck, Plactic classification of modes, 350-353 [Zbl 1339.00010]Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Maximos A.; Epitropakis, Michael G.; Vrahatis, Michael N., Feature extraction using pitch class profile information entropy, 354-357 [Zbl 1339.00011]Kosona, Fani; Hadjileontiadis, Leontios, Catastrophe theory: an enhanced structural and ontological space in music composition, 358-361 [Zbl 1339.00012] Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 1 Document MSC: 00A65 Mathematics and music 00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest Citations:Zbl 1217.00015 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{C. Agon} (ed.) et al., Mathematics and computation in music. Third international conference, MCM 2011, Paris, France, June 15--17, 2011. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (2011; Zbl 1216.00007) Full Text: DOI