
Nonreflexivity of Banach spaces of bounded harmonic functions on Riemann surfaces. (English) Zbl 1218.30117

Summary: We give a simple, short, and easy proof for the Masaoka theorem that if Dirichlet finiteness and boundedness for harmonic functions on a Riemann surface coincide with each other, then the dimension of the linear space of Dirichlet finite harmonic functions on the Riemann surface and the dimension of the linear space of bounded harmonic functions on the Riemann surface are finite and identical. The essence of our proof lies in the observation that the former of the above two Banach spaces is reflexive while the latter is not, unless it is of finite dimension.


30F20 Classification theory of Riemann surfaces
30F25 Ideal boundary theory for Riemann surfaces
30F15 Harmonic functions on Riemann surfaces
46A25 Reflexivity and semi-reflexivity
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