
Product preserving gauge bundle functors on all principal bundle homomorphisms. (English) Zbl 1219.58001

The author completely describes the product preserving gauge bundle functors (ppgb-functors) on the category \(PB\) of principal bundles and principal bundle homomorphisms and their natural transformations, in terms of admissible triples and their morphisms. It is shown that any ppgb-functor on \(PB\) admits a prolongation of principal connections to general ones, and a “reduction” theorem for prolongations of principal connections into principal ones by means of Weil functors is proved. An appendix which generalizes the results from [W. M. Mikulski, Monatsh. Math. 119, No. 1–2, 63–77 (1995; Zbl 0823.58004)], contains the classification of the natural operators lifting vector-valued 1-forms (or vector-valued maps) to vector-valued 1-forms on Weil bundles.


58A32 Natural bundles
58A05 Differentiable manifolds, foundations
58A20 Jets in global analysis


Zbl 0823.58004
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