
Renormalizations of circle rotations. (Russian) Zbl 1220.37032

The paper is devoted to the renormalization problem for circle maps. Given a circle rotation \(R_{\alpha}: x\mapsto x-\alpha\mod 1\) the author considers the orbit \(O_0\) of \(0\) under iterations of \(R_{\alpha}\). There exist infinitely many intervals \(I^m\) with the property that \(O_0\cap I^m\) becomes the orbit \(O_m\) for a certain rotation map \(x \mapsto x-g_m(\alpha)\mod {I^m}\). In order to study the relation between orbits \(O_0\) and \(O_m\) the author introduces the so called forward and backward renormalization functions \(R_0^m(\alpha,i)\) and \(R^{-m}_0(\alpha,i)\) related to numbers of consecutive intersections of \(O_0\) with the set \(I^m\). The author obtains closed-form expressions for these two functions and determines their asymptotics. He also derives some formulas for compositions of renormalization functions.


37E10 Dynamical systems involving maps of the circle
37E20 Universality and renormalization of dynamical systems