Carmeli, Claudio; Caston, Lauren; Fioresi, Rita Mathematical foundations of supersymmetry. (English) Zbl 1226.58003 EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics. Zürich: European Mathematical Society (EMS) (ISBN 978-3-03719-097-5/pbk). xiii, 287 p. (2011). This is an excellent book. Supersymmetry is the machinery that physicists and mathematicians have developed to treat two types of elementary particles, bosons and fermions. Today supersymmetry plays an important role in high energy physics. Supergeometry and super Lie theory are the basis for supersymmetry. This monograph has grown out of the desire to present a moderately brief and focused account of the mathematical foundations of supersymmetry both in the differential and algebraic categories. The authors did not intend to give an encyclopedic treatment of supersymmetry but to supply only the foundational material that will allow the reader to penetrate the more advanced papers in the wide literature on this subject. This book is rich in content, and clear in argument. This book can very well be used as a one-semester course or a seminar on supersymmetry, directed to second and third year graduate students. Reviewer: Chen Yong-Qing (Shenzhen) Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 128 Documents MSC: 58A50 Supermanifolds and graded manifolds 58-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to global analysis 58C50 Analysis on supermanifolds or graded manifolds 14M30 Supervarieties 17A70 Superalgebras 32C11 Complex supergeometry 81Q60 Supersymmetry and quantum mechanics 22E70 Applications of Lie groups to the sciences; explicit representations Keywords:supersymmetry; supergeometry; super Lie theory × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv