Zeisel, Amit; Zuk, Or; Domany, Eytan FDR control with adaptive procedures and FDR monotonicity. (English) Zbl 1232.62106 Ann. Appl. Stat. 5, No. 2A, 943-968 (2011). Summary: The steep rise in availability and usage of high-throughput technologies in biology brought with it a clear need for methods to control the False Discovery Rate (FDR) in multiple tests. Y. Benjamini and Y. Hochberg (BH) [J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. B 57, No. 1, 289–300 (1995; Zbl 0809.62014)] introduced a simple procedure and proved that it provides a bound on the expected value, \(FDR \leq q\). Since then, many authors tried to improve the BH bound, with one approach being designed as an adaptive procedures, which aims at estimating the number of true null hypotheses in order to get a better FDR bound. Our two main rigorous results are the following: (i) a theorem that provides a bound on the FDR for adaptive procedures that use any estimator for the number of true hypotheses \((m_{0})\), (ii) a theorem that proves a monotonicity property of general BH-like procedures, both for the case where the hypotheses are independent. We also propose two improved procedures for which we prove the FDR control for the independent case, and demonstrate their advantages over several available bounds, on simulated data and on a large number of gene expression data sets. Both applications are simple and involve a similar amount of computation as the original BH procedure. We compare the performance of our proposed procedures with BH and other procedures and find that in most cases we get more power for the same level of statistical significance. Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 62J15 Paired and multiple comparisons; multiple testing 65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010) 62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis 92C50 Medical applications (general) Keywords:false discovery rate; improved BH; gene expression analysis Citations:Zbl 0809.62014 Software:Oncomine × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] Andersson, A., Ritz, C., Lindgren, D., Edén, P., Lassen, C., Heldrup, J., Olofsson, T., Råde, J., Fontes, M., Porwit-Macdonald, A., Behrendtz, M., Höglund, M., Johansson, B. and Fioretos, T. (2007). Microarray-based classification of a consecutive series of 121 childhood acute leukemias: Prediction of leukemic and genetic subtype as well as of minimal residual disease status. Leukemia 21 1198-1203. [2] Aven, T. and Jensen, U. (1999). Stochastic Models in Reliability . Springer, New York. · Zbl 0926.60006 · doi:10.1007/b97596 [3] Basso, K., Margolin, A. 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