
Nonattacking queens in a rectangular strip. (English) Zbl 1233.05022

Summary: The function that counts the number of ways to place nonattacking identical chess or fairy chess pieces in a rectangular strip of fixed height and variable width, as a function of the width, is a piecewise polynomial which is eventually a polynomial and whose behavior can be described in some detail. We deduce this by converting the problem to one of counting lattice points outside an affinographic hyperplane arrangement, which Forge and Zaslavsky solved by means of weighted integral gain graphs. We extend their work by developing both generating functions and a detailed analysis of deletion and contraction for weighted integral gain graphs. For chess pieces we find the asymptotic probability that a random configuration is nonattacking, and we obtain exact counts of nonattacking configurations of small numbers of queens, bishops, knights, and nightriders.


05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions
05B30 Other designs, configurations
00A08 Recreational mathematics
05C22 Signed and weighted graphs
52C35 Arrangements of points, flats, hyperplanes (aspects of discrete geometry)




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