
Realizing a complex of unstable modules. (English) Zbl 1234.55012

In an earlier paper [Adv. Math. 225, No. 3, 1431–1460 (2010; Zbl 1200.55026)] the authors, along with Tran Ngoc Nam, constructed a certain minimal injective resolution of the mod 2 cohomology of a Thom spectrum. In this paper a topological realization of this resolution is constructed, in the form of a family of cofibrations which, after applying mod 2 cohomology, give a family of short exact sequences that can be spliced together to give the desired resolution. This suggests that certain dual Brown-Gitler spectra should also be realizable geometrically (not just homotopically).


55S10 Steenrod algebra
55T15 Adams spectral sequences
55P42 Stable homotopy theory, spectra


Zbl 1200.55026
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