
On \(a\)-Kasch spaces. (English) Zbl 1240.54064

For an infinite cardinal \(a\), a Tychonoff space is called \(a\)-Kasch if its ring of real-valued continuous functions does not contain any essential ideal (i.e., ideal whose intersection with every non-zero ideal is non-trivial) with a generating set of cardinality less than \(a\). In this paper, basic properties of \(a\)-Kasch spaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that \(\aleph _0\)-Kasch spaces are precisely almost \(P\)-spaces (i.e., every non-empty \(G_{\delta }\)-set has a non-empty interior) and that \(\aleph _1\)-Kasch spaces are precisely pseudocompact and almost \(P\)-spaces.
Reviewer: Michal Kunc (Brno)


54C40 Algebraic properties of function spaces in general topology
13A30 Associated graded rings of ideals (Rees ring, form ring), analytic spread and related topics
54G10 \(P\)-spaces