
Random coloring method in the combinatorial problem of Erdős and Lovász. (English) Zbl 1241.05104

Summary: The work deals with a combinatorial problem of P. Erdős and L. Lovász [Infinite finite Sets, Colloq. Honour Paul Erdős, Keszthely 1973, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10, 609-627 (1975; Zbl 0315.05117)] concerning simple hypergraphs. Let \(m^*(n,r)\) denote the minimum number of edges in an \(n\)-uniform simple hypergraph with chromatic number at least \(r+1\). The main result of the work is a new asymptotic lower bound for \(m^*(n,r)\). We prove that for large \(n\) and \(r\) satisfying \(r\leq n^{1/9}\) the following inequality holds \[ m^*(n+ 1,r)\geq {1\over 2} r^{2n-2} n^{-6/t}, \] where \(t= \lfloor\sqrt{\min({\ln n\over\ln r}, {\ln n\over 2\ln(4/3)\ln n)})}\rfloor\). This bound improves previously known bounds for \(r< n^{1/36}\). The proof is based on a method of random coloring. We have also obtained results concerning colorings of \(h\)-simple hypergraphs.


05C65 Hypergraphs
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
05C07 Vertex degrees
05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs


Zbl 0315.05117
Full Text: DOI


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