Zhou, Xi Kathy; Liu, Fei; Dannenberg, Andrew J. A Bayesian model averaging approach for observational gene expression studies. (English) Zbl 1243.62139 Ann. Appl. Stat. 6, No. 2, 497-520 (2012). Summary: Identifying differentially expressed (DE) genes associated with a sample characteristic is the primary objective of many microarray studies. As more and more studies are carried out with observational rather than well controlled experimental samples, it becomes important to evaluate and properly control the impact of sample heterogeneity on DE gene findings. Typical methods for identifying DE genes require ranking all the genes according to a preselected statistic based on a single model for two or more group comparisons, with or without adjustment for other covariates. Such single model approaches unavoidably result in model misspecification, which can lead to increased errors due to bias for some genes and reduced efficiency for the others. We evaluated the impact of model misspecification from such approaches on detecting DE genes and identified parameters that affect the magnitude of impact. To properly control for sample heterogeneity and to provide a flexible and coherent framework for identifying simultaneously DE genes associated with a single or multiple sample characteristics and/or their interactions, we proposed a Bayesian model averaging approach which corrects the model misspecification by averaging over model space formed by all relevant covariates. An empirical approach is suggested for specifying prior model probabilities. We demonstrated through simulated microarray data that this approach resulted in improved performance in DE gene identification compared to the single model approaches. The flexibility of this approach is demonstrated through our analysis of data from two observational microarray studies. Cited in 2 Documents MSC: 62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis 92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology 92D10 Genetics and epigenetics 65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010) 62A09 Graphical methods in statistics Keywords:differential gene expression; microarrays; observational study Software:GSA; GlobalAncova × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid References: [1] Boyle, J. O., Gumus, Z. H., Kacker, A., Choksi, V. L., Jennifer, M. B., Zhou, X. K., Ante’s, R. K., Hughes, D., Du, B., Judson, B. L., Subbaramaiah, K. and Dannenberg, A. J. (2010). Effects of cigarette smoke on the human oral mucosal transcritpome. Cancer Prevention Reseach 3 266-278. [2] Cao, J. and Zhang, S. (2010). Measuring statistical significance for full Bayesian methods in microarray analyses. Bayesian Anal. 5 413-427. · Zbl 1330.62112 · doi:10.1214/10-BA608 [3] Cao, J., Xie, X.-J., Zhang, S., Whitehurst, A. and White, M. A. (2009). 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