
Fleck’s congruence, associated magic squares and a zeta identity. (English) Zbl 1246.11043

Summary: Let the Fleck numbers, \(C_n(t,q)\), be defined such that \[ C_n(t,q)=\sum_{k\equiv q \pmod n}(-1)^k\binom{t}{k}. \] For prime \(p\), Fleck (1913) obtained the result \(C_p(t,q)\equiv 0 \pmod {p^{\left \lfloor (t-1)/(p-1)\right \rfloor}}\), where \(\lfloor\cdot\rfloor\) denotes the usual floor function. This congruence was extended 64 years later by C. S. Weisman [ Mich. Math. J. 24, 141–151 (1977; Zbl 0377.10003)], in 1977, to include the case \(n=p^\alpha\). In this paper we show that the Fleck numbers occur naturally when one considers a symmetric \(n\times n\) matrix, \(M\), and its inverse under matrix multiplication. More specifically, we take \(M\) to be a symmetrically constructed \(n\times n\) associated magic square of odd order, and then consider the reduced coefficients of the linear expansions of the entries of \(M^t\) with \(t\in \mathbb{Z}\). We also show that for any odd integer, \(n=2m+1, n\geq 3\), there exist geometric polynomials in \(m\) that are linked to the Fleck numbers via matrix algebra and \(p\)-adic interaction. These polynomials generate numbers that obey a reciprocal type of congruence to the one discovered by Fleck. As a by-product of our investigations we observe a new identity between values of the Zeta functions at even integers. Namely \[ \zeta{(2j)}=(-1)^{j+1}\left (\frac{j\pi^{2j}}{(2j+1)!}+\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}\frac{(-1)^k\pi^{2j-2k}}{(2j-2k+1)!}\zeta{(2k)}\right ). \] We conclude with examples of combinatorial congruences, Vandermonde type determinants and Number Walls that further highlight the symmetric relations that exist between the Fleck numbers and the geometric polynomials.


11B65 Binomial coefficients; factorials; \(q\)-identities
05A10 Factorials, binomial coefficients, combinatorial functions
05A19 Combinatorial identities, bijective combinatorics
05B15 Orthogonal arrays, Latin squares, Room squares


Zbl 0377.10003


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