
Galois-Tukey connection involving sets of metrics. (English) Zbl 1248.54015

For a metrizable space \(X\) let \(\text{M}(X)\) denote the set of all metrics on \(X\) compatible with the topology of \(X\). For \(d_1,d_2\in \text{M}(X)\) we write \(d_1\preceq d_2\) if the identity mapping on \(X\) as a function from \((X,d_2)\) into \((X,d_1)\) is uniformly continuous. M. Kada proved in [“How many miles to \(\beta X\)? II. Approximations to \(\beta X\) versus cofinal types of sets of metrics”, Topology Appl. 157, No. 8, 1460–1464 (2010; Zbl 1195.54053)] that the relation \(\preceq\) is Galois-Tukey equivalent to the relation \(\leq^*\) of the eventual dominance of functions in \(\omega^\omega\) provided that \(X\) is a locally compact metrizable space such that the first Cantor-Bendixson derivative \(X^{(1)}\) of \(X\) is noncompact. Let \(\text{PC}(X)\) denote the set of all pairs of disjoint closed sets of \(X\) and let \(\text{Sep}\) be the binary relation between \(\text{PC}(X)\) and \(\text{M}(X)\) defined by \((A,B)\mathrel{\text{Sep}}d\) if \(d(A,B)>0\) for \((A,B)\in\text{PC}(X)\) and \(d\in \text{M}(X)\).
In the paper under the review the authors show under the same hypotheses that also the relation \(\text{Sep}\) as a triple \((\text{PC}(X),\text{M}(X),\text{Sep})\) is Galois-Tukey equivalent to \(\leq^*\). For \((A,B)\in \text{PC}(X)\), \(d,d_1,d_2\in \text{M}(X)\), and \(\varepsilon>0\) write \((A,B)\mathrel{\text{Sep}}_\varepsilon d\) if \(d(A,B)\geq\varepsilon\), and \(d_1\preceq_\varepsilon d_2\) if for \(p,q\in X\), \(d_1(p,q)\geq\varepsilon\) implies \(d_2(p,q)\geq\varepsilon\). A separable metrizable space \(X\) can be regarded as a subset of the Hilbert cube \(\mathbf H=[0,1]^\omega\) and then let \(X^*=\text{cl}_{\mathbf H}(X)\setminus X\) and let \(\mathcal{K}(X^*)\) denote the space of compact subsets of \(X^*\). In an attempt to solve a question of Todorčević about the existence of the Galois-Tukey equivalence \((\text{M}(X),\preceq)\equiv (\omega^\omega\times\mathcal{K}(X^*),{\leq^*}\times{\subseteq})\) provided that \(X\) is a separable metrizable space such that \(X^{(1)}\) is noncompact the authors prove that the relational structures \((\omega^\omega\times\mathcal{K}(X^*),{\leq}\times{\subseteq})\), \((\text{M}(X),\preceq_1)\), and \((\text{PC}(X),\text{M}(X),\text{Sep}_1)\) are Galois-Tukey equivalent where for \(f,g\in\omega^\omega\), \(f\leq g\) if \(f(n)\leq g(n)\) for all \(n\in\omega\).


54E35 Metric spaces, metrizability
03E17 Cardinal characteristics of the continuum
06A07 Combinatorics of partially ordered sets
54D35 Extensions of spaces (compactifications, supercompactifications, completions, etc.)


Zbl 1195.54053