
Moduli spaces of critical Riemannian metrics in dimension four. (English) Zbl 1252.53045

Summary: We obtain a compactness result for various classes of Riemannian metrics in dimension four; in particular our method applies to anti-self-dual metrics, Kähler metrics with constant scalar curvature, and metrics with harmonic curvature. With certain geometric non-collapsing assumptions, the moduli space can be compactified by adding metrics with orbifold-like singularities. Similar results were obtained for Einstein metrics in [M. T. Anderson, J. Am. Math. Soc. 2, 455-490 (1989; Zbl 0694.53045)], [S. Bando, A. Kasue and H. Nakajima, Invent. Math. 97, No. 2, 313–349 (1989; Zbl 0682.53045)], and [the first author, Invent. Math. 101, No. 1, 101–172 (1990; Zbl 0716.32019)], but our analysis differs substantially from the Einstein case in that we do not assume any pointwise Ricci curvature bound.


53C21 Methods of global Riemannian geometry, including PDE methods; curvature restrictions
58D27 Moduli problems for differential geometric structures
58E11 Critical metrics


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