
A quadratic clipping step with superquadratic convergence for bivariate polynomial systems. (English) Zbl 1254.65062

Summary: A new numerical approach to compute all real roots of a system of two bivariate polynomial equations over a given box is described. Using the Bernstein-Bézier representation, we compute the best linear approximant and the best quadratic approximant of the two polynomials with respect to the \(L^2\) norm. Using these approximations and bounds on the approximation errors, we obtain a fat line bounding the zero set first of the first polynomial and a fat conic bounding the zero set of the second polynomial. By intersecting these fat curves, which requires solely the solution of linear and quadratic equations, we derive a reduced subbox enclosing the roots. This algorithm is combined with splitting steps, in order to isolate the roots. It is applied iteratively until a certain accuracy is obtained. Using a suitable preprocessing step, we prove that the convergence rate is 3 for single roots. In addition, experimental results indicate that the convergence rate is superlinear (1.5) for double roots.


65H04 Numerical computation of roots of polynomial equations
30C15 Zeros of polynomials, rational functions, and other analytic functions of one complex variable (e.g., zeros of functions with bounded Dirichlet integral)


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