
Random networks with sublinear preferential attachment: the giant component. (English) Zbl 1260.05143

Summary: We study a dynamical random network model in which at every construction step a new vertex is introduced and attached to every existing vertex independently with a probability proportional to a concave function \(f\) of its current degree. We give a criterion for the existence of a giant component, which is both necessary and sufficient, and which becomes explicit when \(f\) is linear. Otherwise it allows the derivation of explicit necessary and sufficient conditions, which are often fairly close.
We give an explicit criterion to decide whether the giant component is robust under random removal of edges. We also determine asymptotically the size of the giant component and the empirical distribution of component sizes in terms of the survival probability and size distribution of a multitype branching random walk associated with \(f\).


05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects)
05C82 Small world graphs, complex networks (graph-theoretic aspects)
60C05 Combinatorial probability
90B15 Stochastic network models in operations research


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