
Basis properties of eigenfunctions of second-order differential operators with involution. (English) Zbl 1270.34195

Consider the spectral problem \[ -u''(-x)+\alpha u''(x)=\lambda u(x),\tag{\(*\)} \] where \(\lambda\) is the spectral parameter.
The authors prove the following results.
Theorem 1. Suppose that \(\alpha^2\neq 1\). Then the eigenfunctions of \((*)\) satisfying \[ u(-1)= u(1) =0 \] form an orthonormal basis in \(L_2(-1,1)\).
Theorem 2. Assume \(\alpha^2\neq 1\). Then the eigenfunctions of \((*)\) satisfying \[ u(-1)= u(1),\;u'(-1)= u'(1)\qquad(\text{periodic case}) \] or \[ u(-1)= -u(1),\;u'(-1)= -u'(1)\qquad(\text{antiperiodic case}) \] form orthonormal basis in \(L_2(-1,1)\).


34L10 Eigenfunctions, eigenfunction expansions, completeness of eigenfunctions of ordinary differential operators
34B09 Boundary eigenvalue problems for ordinary differential equations


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