
Estimators based on Kendall’s tau in multivariate copula models. (English) Zbl 1274.62367

Summary: The estimation of a real-valued dependence parameter in a multivariate copula model is considered. Rank-based procedures are often used in this context to guard against possible misspecification of the marginal distributions. A standard approach consists of maximizing the pseudo-likelihood. Here, we investigate alternative estimators based on the inversion of two multivariate extensions of Kendall’s tau developed by Kendall and Babington Smith, and by Joe. The former, which amounts to the average value of tau over all pairs of variables, is often referred to as the coefficient of agreement. Existing results concerning the finite- and large-sample properties of this coefficient are summarized, and new, parallel findings are provided for the multivariate version of tau due to Joe, along with illustrations. The performance of the estimators resulting from the inversion of these two versions of Kendall’s tau is compared in the context of copula models through simulations.


62H12 Estimation in multivariate analysis
62H20 Measures of association (correlation, canonical correlation, etc.)


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