Komashynska, Iryna Volodymyrivna Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a class of nonlinear stochastic differential equations. (English) Zbl 1279.60071 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013, Article ID 256809, 7 p. (2013). Summary: Using successive approximation, we prove an existence and uniqueness result for a class of nonlinear stochastic differential equations. Moreover, it is shown that the solution of such equations is a diffusion process and its diffusion coefficients are found. MSC: 60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis) 34F05 Ordinary differential equations and systems with randomness 60J60 Diffusion processes Keywords:existence and uniqueness result; nonlinear stochastic differential equations × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Kolmanovskii, V. B.; Nosov, V. R., Stability and Periodic Modes of Control System with Aftereffect (1981), Moscow, Russia: Nauka, Moscow, Russia [2] Kolmanovskii, V.; Koroleva, N.; Maizenberg, T.; Mao, X.; Matasov, A., Neutral stochastic differential delay equations with Markovian switching, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 21, 4, 819-847 (2003) · Zbl 1025.60028 · doi:10.1081/SAP-120022865 [3] Mao, X., Stochastic Differential Equations and Their Applications (1997), Chichester, UK: Horwood, Chichester, UK · Zbl 0892.60057 [4] Liao, X. X.; Mao, X., Exponential stability in mean square of neutral stochastic differential difference equations, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 6, 4, 569-586 (1999) · Zbl 0956.60069 [5] Mao, X., Asymptotic properties of neutral stochastic differential delay equations, Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 68, 3-4, 273-295 (2000) · Zbl 0964.60066 [6] Samoilenko, A. M.; Mahmudov, N. I.; Stanzhytskii, O. M., Existence, uniqueness, and controllability results for neutral FSDES in Hilbert spaces, Dynamic Systems and Applications, 17, 1, 53-70 (2008) · Zbl 1145.93023 [7] Govindan, T. E., Stability of mild solutions of stochastic evolution equations with variable delay, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 21, 5, 1059-1077 (2003) · Zbl 1036.60052 · doi:10.1081/SAP-120022863 [8] Boukfaoui, Y.; Erraoui, M., Remarks on the existence and approximation for semilinear stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 20, 3, 495-518 (2002) · Zbl 1002.60058 · doi:10.1081/SAP-120004113 [9] Mahmudov, N. I., Existence and uniqueness results for neutral SDEs in Hilbert spaces, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 24, 1, 79-95 (2006) · Zbl 1110.60063 · doi:10.1080/07362990500397582 [10] Kolmanovskiĭ, V. B.; Shaĭkhet, L. E., Control of Systems with Aftereffect, 157 (1996), Providence, RI, USA: American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, USA · Zbl 0937.93001 [11] Gikhman, I. I.; Skorokhod, A. V., Stochastic Differential Equations (1968), Kyiv, Ukrania: Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, Ukrania · Zbl 0169.48702 [12] Gikhman, I. I.; Skorokhod, A. V., Introduction in Theory of Random Processes (1977), Kyiv, Ukrania: Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, Ukrania · Zbl 0429.60002 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.