Bartsch, René; Poppe, Harry Compactness in function spaces with splitting topologies. (English) Zbl 1284.54030 Rostocker Math. Kolloq. 66, 69-73 (2011). Let \(C(X,Y)\) be the set of all continuous functions from a topological space \(X\) into a topological space \(Y\) and let \(H\) be a subset of \(C(X,Y)\). In the paper under review the authors consider certain topologies \(\tau_{\mathfrak A}\) of \(\mathfrak A\)-convergence on \(C(X,Y)\) which are finer than the topology \(\tau_p\) of pointwise convergence. Their main result is a criterion for the \(\tau_{\mathfrak A}\)-compactness of \(H\) in \(C(X,Y)\), whose validity requires the assumption that \(H\) is evenly continuous on each \(B\in \mathfrak A\). It follows from what is discussed in the paper that, if \(Y\) is a Hausdorff space, then \(H\) is \(\tau_{co}\)-compact in \(C(X,Y)\) (\(\tau_{co}\) being the compact-open topology) if and only if \(H(x)\) is relatively compact in \(Y\) for all \(x\in X\), \(H\) is evenly continuous on each compact subset of \(X\), and \(H\) is \(\tau_p\)-closed in \(C(X,Y)\). Reviewer: Dinamérico P. Pombo jun. (Rio de Janeiro) Cited in 1 Document MSC: 54C35 Function spaces in general topology 46Exx Linear function spaces and their duals 58D15 Manifolds of mappings 54C05 Continuous maps 54D30 Compactness Keywords:function spaces; continuous functions; compactness × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Link