
Strong proximal continuity and convergence. (English) Zbl 1287.54022

In this paper, after revising the various concepts of continuity in uniform and proximal spaces, the authors introduce several forms of strong proximal convergence, and investigate the connections in the setting of Tychonoff spaces with compatible uniformities and proximities by comparing them with uniform convergences and by studying them on bornologies and by making a complete comparison among them as well. The notions of strong proximal continuity and strong proximal convergence, as natural adaptations of the similar ones in the uniform case, together with the notion of bornology play a central role.
Strong proximal continuity relies to various convergences on bornologies, in particular when the bornologies have special features or when considering strong proximally continuous functions. The authors show that the notions of strong proximally continuity (convergence) and strong proximally continuity (convergence) restricted to a bornology are equivalent to continuity (convergence) on hyperspaces with suitable topologies. They connect uniform and proximal continuity of functions with the behaviour of natural functors associated with them in convenient hyperspaces, when carrying the proximal topology in the proximal setting or the Hausdorff-Bourbaki uniformity in the uniform case.


54E05 Proximity structures and generalizations
54E15 Uniform structures and generalizations
54C05 Continuous maps
54A20 Convergence in general topology (sequences, filters, limits, convergence spaces, nets, etc.)


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