Bertoin, Jean On the non-Gaussian fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random recursive trees. (English) Zbl 1292.60095 Electron. J. Probab. 19, Paper No. 24, 15 p. (2014). Summary: We consider a Bernoulli bond percolation on a random recursive tree of size \(n\gg 1\), with supercritical parameter \(p_n=1-c/\ln n\) for some \(c>0\) fixed. It is known that with high probability, there exists then a unique giant cluster of size \(G_n\sim e^{-c}n\), and it follows from a recent result of J. Schweinsberg [Electron. J. Probab. 17, Paper No. 91, 50 p. (2012; Zbl 1284.92072)] that \(G_n\) has non-Gaussian fluctuations. We provide an explanation of this by analyzing the effect of percolation on different phases of the growth of recursive trees. This alternative approach may be useful for studying percolation on other classes of trees, such as for instance regular trees. Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 60K35 Interacting random processes; statistical mechanics type models; percolation theory 05C05 Trees 60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems 60J80 Branching processes (Galton-Watson, birth-and-death, etc.) Keywords:random recursive tree; giant cluster; fluctuations; super-critical percolation Citations:Zbl 1284.92072 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv