
Non-autonomous impulsive Cauchy problems of parabolic type involving nonlocal initial conditions. (English) Zbl 1295.65061

Summary: We consider a nonautonomous impulsive Cauchy problem of parabolic type involving a nonlocal initial condition in a Banach space \(X\), where the operators in linear part (possibly unbounded) depend on time \(t\) and generate an evolution family. New existence theorems of mild solutions to such a problem, in the absence of compactness and Lipschitz continuity of the impulsive item and nonlocal item, are established. The non-autonomous impulsive Cauchy problem of neutral type with nonlocal initial condition is also considered. Comparisons with available literature are also given. Finally, as a sample of application, these results are applied to a system of partial differential equations with impulsive condition and nonlocal initial condition. Our results essentially extend some existing results in this area.


65J08 Numerical solutions to abstract evolution equations
35K90 Abstract parabolic equations
35R12 Impulsive partial differential equations


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