
Every finite group is the group of self-homotopy equivalences of an elliptic space. (English) Zbl 1308.55005

In this paper Cristina Costoya and Antonio Viruel give a positive answer to one of the main questions concerning the group of homotopy self-equivalences of a given space. They prove that every finite group \(G\) can be realized as the group of self-homotopy equivalences of infinitely many (non homotopy equivalent) rational elliptic spaces. The basic tool is the theorem of Frucht: For every finite group \(G\) there exist infinitely many non-isomorphic connected finite graphs whose automorphim group is isomorphic to \(G\). Thus to each graph \({\mathcal G}\) they associate a Sullivan minimal model \((\land V,d)\) whose group of self-homotopy equivalences is isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of \({\mathcal G}\). More precisely \((\land V,d) = (\land (x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, y_3,z) \otimes \land (x_v, z_v), d)\) where the \(x_v\) and the \(z_v\) are indexed by the vertices of the graph and the differential of \(z_v\) takes into account the names of the edges having \(v\) as a summit. As a corollary, there are infinitely many rational spaces that are homotopically rigid. In a second step the authors specify that the elliptic rational spaces can be chosen to be rationalization of inflexible manifolds.


55P10 Homotopy equivalences in algebraic topology
55P62 Rational homotopy theory


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