
The horseshoe estimator: posterior concentration around nearly black vectors. (English) Zbl 1309.62060

Summary: We consider the horseshoe estimator due to [C. M. Carvalho et al., Biometrika 97, No. 2, 465–480 (2010; Zbl 1406.62021)] for the multivariate normal mean model in the situation that the mean vector is sparse in the nearly black sense. We assume the frequentist framework where the data is generated according to a fixed mean vector. We show that if the number of nonzero parameters of the mean vector is known, the horseshoe estimator attains the minimax \(\ell_{2}\) risk, possibly up to a multiplicative constant. We provide conditions under which the horseshoe estimator combined with an empirical Bayes estimate of the number of nonzero means still yields the minimax risk. We furthermore prove an upper bound on the rate of contraction of the posterior distribution around the horseshoe estimator, and a lower bound on the posterior variance. These bounds indicate that the posterior distribution of the horseshoe prior may be more informative than that of other one-component priors, including the Lasso.


62F15 Bayesian inference
62F10 Point estimation


Zbl 1406.62021




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