
The twisted symmetric square \(L\)-function of \(\mathrm{GL}(r)\). (English) Zbl 1316.11037

For the symmetric square map
\[ \text{Sym}^2 : \mathrm{GL}_r({\mathbb C}) \rightarrow \mathrm{GL}_{\frac {1}{2}r(r+1)} ({\mathbb C}), \] if we consider the twisted symmetric square \(L\)-function \(L(s,\pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi)\) where \(\pi\) is an irreducible cuspidal representation of \(\mathrm{GL}_r({\mathbb A})\), \({\mathbb A}\) is the ring of adeles over a number field \(F\) and \(\chi\) is a unitary Hecke character on \({\mathbb A}^{\times}\), it is known that this \(L\)-function admits meromorphic continuation and satisfies a functional equation by Langlands-Shahidi method (see theorem 7.7 of [F. Shahidi, Ann. Math. (2) 132, No. 2, 273–330 (1990; Zbl 0780.22005)]). However this method is unable to determine the locations of the possible poles of \(L(s,\pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi)\). The main theme of the paper under review is to determine them to some extent, though it is done only for the partial \(L\)-function \(L^S(s,\pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi)\). More specifically, let \(S\) be the finite set of places that contain all the Archimedean places and non-Archimedean places where \(\pi\) or \(\chi\) ramifies. For \(v \notin S\), each local \(\pi_v\) is parametrized by the Satake parameters, a set of \(r\) complex numbers \(\{ \alpha_{v,1}, \cdots \alpha_{v,r}\}\). Then we have,
\[ L_v (s, \pi_v, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi_v) = \prod \limits_{i \leq j} \frac {1}{(1-\chi_v(\overline {\omega_v}) \alpha_{v,i} \alpha_{v,j} q_v^{-s})} \] where \(\overline {\omega_v}\) is the uniformizer of \(F_v\) and \(q_v\) is the order of the residue field. Set
\[ L^S (s, \pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi) = \prod \limits_{v \notin S} L_v (s, \pi_v, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi_v). \] It is established that : If \(\pi\) be a cuspidal automorphic representation of \(\mathrm{GL}_r({\mathbb A})\) with unitary central character \(\omega\) and \(\chi\) being a unitary Hecke character, then for each Archimedean \(v\), there exists an integer \(N_v \geq 0\) such that the product \[ L^S (s, \pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi) \prod \limits_{v | \infty} L_v (rs-r+1, \chi_v^r \omega_v^2)^{-N_v} \] is holomorphic everywhere except at \(s=0\) and \(s=1\). Moreover, there is no pole if \(\chi^r \omega^2 \neq 1\).
As a corollary, it is derived that the incomplete twisted \(L\)-function \(L^S (s, \pi, \text{Sym}^2 \otimes \chi)\) is holomorphic everywhere in the region \(\mathrm{Re} (s) > 1-\frac {1}{2r}\) except at \(s=1\). Moreover, there is no pole at \(s=1\) if \(\chi^r \omega^2 \neq 1\).
For more related works to the paper, the readers are referred to for e.g., [S. Gelbart and H. Jacquet, Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 11, No. 4, 471–542 (1978; Zbl 0406.10022); G. Shimura, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 31, 79–98 (1975; Zbl 0311.10029); S. J. Patterson and I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro, Math. Ann. 283, No. 4, 551–572 (1989; Zbl 0645.22007); D. Bump and D. Ginzburg, Ann. Math. (2) 136, No. 1, 137–205 (1992; Zbl 0753.11021); D. A. Kazhdan and S. J. Patterson, Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 59, 35–142 (1984; Zbl 0559.10026); W. D. Banks, Exceptional representations of the metaplectic group. Stanford: Stanford University (PhD Thesis) (1994)] and [A. C. Kable, Exceptional representations of the metaplectic double cover of the general linear group. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University (1997)].

MathOverflow Questions:

Bound for \(GL(3)\) symmetric square


11F66 Langlands \(L\)-functions; one variable Dirichlet series and functional equations


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