
Applying the Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo simulation technique for Lévy processes to path functionals. (English) Zbl 1319.65006

The authors apply the Wiener-Hopf Monte Carlo (WHMC) simulation method for Lévy processes to a more general path functionals Lévy processes.
The WHMC simulation techniques for Lévy processes has been introduced by A. Kuznetsov et al. [Ann. Appl. Probab. 21, No. 6, 2171–2190 (2011; Zbl 1245.65005)] to simulate the joint distribution of the position \(X_t\) at time \(t\) of a general Lévy process and its running maximum \(\bar X_t\) up to time \(t\).
The WHMC algorithm is built using two main ideas. Firstly, on the observation that (see [P. Carr, “Randomization and the American put”, Rev. Financial Studies 11, 597–626 (1998)]) for sufficiently large \(n\), the distribution of \((X_t,\bar X_t)\) may be approximated by the distribution of \((X_{g(n,n/t)}, \bar X_{g(n,n/t)})\), where \(g(n,n/t)\) is a gamma random variable with shape parameter \(n\) and scale parameter \(n/t\). Then, using the Wiener-Hopf factorization, it has been shown by Kuznetsov et al. [loc. cit.] that for every \(\lambda>0\) the random vector \((X_{g(n,\lambda)}, \bar X_{g(n,\lambda)})\) has the same distribution as a random vector \((V(n,\lambda), J(n,\lambda))\), which components are computed explicitly from simple recursive formulas.
This paper extends the WHMC method to path functional Lévy processes of the form \(f(\tau_u, X_{\tau_u}-u, u-X_{\tau_u-},u-\bar X_{\tau_u-})\), where \(\tau_u\) is the hitting time of the level \(u\). More specifically, it is shown that for any Lévy process \(X\), the distribution of \((\tau_u, X_{\tau_u}-u, u-X_{\tau_u-},u-\bar X_{\tau_u-})\) may be approximated, for large enough \(n\), by the distribution of \[ \Big(\frac{t}{n} (\kappa_u^{(n)} \wedge n), V(\kappa_u^{(n)} \wedge n, n/t ) -u , u- V((\kappa_u^{(n)} -1)\wedge n, n/t) , u - J((\kappa_u^{(n)} -1)\wedge n, n/t) \Big), \] where all the components depend on the discrete version \(\tau_u^{(n)}\) of the hitting time \(\tau_u\) defined by \(\tau_u^{(n)} = \inf\{ k \in \{0, \dots,n \}, \;J(k,n/t) >u\}\). Furthermore, the quadratic mean convergence rate of \(\frac{t}{n} (\kappa_u^{(n)} \wedge n)\) towards \(\tau_u \wedge n\) is investigated and is shown to be of order \(2t^2/n\).
This allows to approximate quantities of the form \(f(\tau_u, X_{\tau_u}-u, u-X_{\tau_u-},u-\bar X_{\tau_u-})\) using Monte Carlo or multilevel Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Numerical simulations are performed for the \(\beta\)-family of Lévy processes and for the first passage time of the Brownian motion to illustrate the advantage of the multilevel Monte Carlo using the Wiener-Hopf method with respect to the ‘plain’ Monte Carlo method.
Reviewer: Abass Sagna (Evry)


65C05 Monte Carlo methods
60G51 Processes with independent increments; Lévy processes
65C50 Other computational problems in probability (MSC2010)
91G60 Numerical methods (including Monte Carlo methods)
91B24 Microeconomic theory (price theory and economic markets)
91B30 Risk theory, insurance (MSC2010)


Zbl 1245.65005