
Simultaneous estimation of the mean and the variance in heteroscedastic Gaussian regression. (English) Zbl 1320.62092

Summary: Let \(Y\) be a Gaussian vector of \(\mathbb R^{n}\) of mean \(s\) and diagonal covariance matrix \(\Gamma\). Our aim is to estimate both \(s\) and the entries \(\sigma _{i}=\Gamma _{i,i}\), for \(i=1,\dots ,n\), on the basis of the observation of two independent copies of \(Y\). Our approach is free of any prior assumption on \(s\) but requires that we know some upper bound \(\gamma\) on the ratio max \(_{i}\sigma _{i}/\min_{i}\sigma_{i}\). For example, the choice \(\gamma =1\) corresponds to the homoscedastic case where the components of \(Y\) are assumed to have common (unknown) variance. In the opposite, the choice \(\gamma >1\) corresponds to the heteroscedastic case where the variances of the components of \(Y\) are allowed to vary within some range. Our estimation strategy is based on model selection. We consider a family \(\{S_{m}\times \Sigma _{m}, m\in \mathcal M\}\) of parameter sets where \(S_{m}\) and \(\Sigma _{m}\) are linear spaces. To each \(m\in \mathcal M\), we associate a pair of estimators \((\hat s_{m},\hat{\sigma}_{m})\) of \((s,\sigma )\) with values in \(S_{m}\times \Sigma _{m}\). Then we design a model selection procedure in view of selecting some \(\hat m\) among \(\mathcal M\) in such a way that the Kullback risk of \((\hat s_{\hat {m}}, \hat{\sigma}_{\hat{m}})\) is as close as possible to the minimum of the Kullback risks among the family of estimators \(\{(\hat s_m, \hat{\sigma}_m), m\in \mathcal M\}\). Then we derive uniform rates of convergence for the estimator \((\hat s_{\hat{m}}, \hat{\sigma}_{\hat{m}})\) over Hölderian balls. Finally, we carry out a simulation study in order to illustrate the performances of our estimators in practice.


62G08 Nonparametric regression and quantile regression




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