
Joint eigenfunctions for the relativistic Calogero-Moser Hamiltonians of hyperbolic type. I: First steps. (English) Zbl 1325.81097

The authors of this interesting paper investigate the recursion scheme to construct joint eigenfunctions for the commuting analytic difference operators associated with the integrable \(N\)-particle systems of hyperbolic relativistic Calogero-Moser type. The scheme is based on a kernel identities which is obtained in previous works of the same authors. The relativistic generalization (relativistic Hamiltonian) by the commuting analytic difference operators (\(A\triangle O\)s) has the form \[ S_k (x) = \sum\limits_{I\subset \{1\ldots N\},|I|=k}\prod\limits_{m\in I, n\notin I}f_{-}(x_m-x_n) \prod\limits_{l\in I}\exp{(-i\hbar\beta\partial_{x_l})}\prod\limits_{m\in I, n\notin I}f_{+}(x_m-x_n) \] where \(k=1\ldots N\), and \(f_{\pm }(z) = (\sinh{ (\mu (z \pm i\beta g)/2)}/ \sinh{(\mu z/2))^{1/2}}\); \(\beta = 1/mc > 0\) is the classical multiplier, \(c\) - speed of light, \(m\) - mass. The authors focus on a complete proof of the joint eigenfunction properties in the suitable holomorphy domains. The recursive scheme for constructing joint eigenfunctions \(J_N\) of the \(A\triangle O\)s \(A_{k,\delta }\) are investigated. They establish holomorphy domains and uniform decay bounds which are sufficient for proving that “the scheme does provide well-defined functions \(J_N\) that satisfy the expected joint eigenvalue equations”. The present paper is a first one of a series, that the authors present “the formal features of the scheme, show explicitly its arbitrary-\(N\) viability for the free cases, and supply the analytic tools to prove the joint eigenfunction properties in suitable holomorphy domains”.


81R12 Groups and algebras in quantum theory and relations with integrable systems
37J35 Completely integrable finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, integration methods, integrability tests
39A70 Difference operators
47B39 Linear difference operators
70H40 Relativistic dynamics for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics