
Coisotropic rigidity and \(C^0\)-symplectic geometry. (English) Zbl 1327.53109

The article’s main result proves that a symplectic homeomorphism preserves coisotropic submanifolds and their characteristic foliations. To prove it the authors establish a \(C^{0}\)-dynamical property of coisotropic submanifolds by proving the uniqueness of generators for continuous analogues of Hamiltonian flows; by doing so they generalize a fundamental theorem in \(C^{0}\)-Hamiltonian dynamics. The main results generalizes the Gromov-Eliashberg theorem and demonstrate previously known rigidity results (i) on Lagrangians, by F. Laudenbach and J. C. Sikorav [Int. Math. Res. Not. 1994, No. 4, 161–168 (1994; Zbl 0812.53031)] and (ii) on characteristics of hypersurfaces by E. Opshtein [Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 42, No. 5, 857–864 (2009; Zbl 1186.53054)]. Indeed, it is shown that these results are manifestations of a single rigidity phenomenon.
They define symplectic homeomorphisms as \(C^{0}\)-limit of symplectomorphisms. The definition is well posed thanks to the Gromov-Eliashberg theorem [M. Gromov, Partial differential relations. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag (1986; Zbl 0651.53001)] stating that a diffemorphism which is a \(C^{0}\)-limit of symplectomorphisms is symplectic. A submanifold \(C\) of a symplectic manifold \((M,\omega)\) is called coisotropic if for all \(p\in C\), \((T_{p}C)^{\omega}\subset T_{p}C\), where \((T_{p}C)^{\omega}\) denotes the symplectic orthogonal of \(T_{p}C\). For instance, hypersurfaces and Lagrangians are coisotropic. A coisotropic submanifold carries a natural foliation \(\mathcal{F}\) which integrates the distribution \((T_{p}C)^{\omega}\); \(\mathcal{F}\) is called the characteristic foliation of \(C\).
{Main Theorem}. Let \(C\) be a smooth coisotropic submanifold of a symplectic manifold \((M,\omega)\). Let \(U\) be an open subset of \(M\), and let \(\theta:U\rightarrow V\) be a symplectic homeomorphism. If \(\theta(C\cap U)\) is smooth, then it is isotropic. Furthermore, \(\theta\) maps the characteristic foliation of \(C\cap U\) to that of \(\theta(C\cap U)\).


53D40 Symplectic aspects of Floer homology and cohomology
37J05 Relations of dynamical systems with symplectic geometry and topology (MSC2010)


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