Papamarkou, Theodore; Mira, Antonietta; Girolami, Mark Zero variance differential geometric Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. (English) Zbl 1327.60140 Bayesian Anal. 9, No. 1, 97-128 (2014). Summary: Differential geometric Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) strategies exploit the geometry of the target to achieve convergence in fewer MCMC iterations at the cost of increased computing time for each of the iterations. Such computational complexity is regarded as a potential shortcoming of geometric MCMC in practice. This paper suggests that part of the additional computing required by Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithms produces elements that allow concurrent implementation of the zero variance reduction technique for MCMC estimation. Therefore, zero variance geometric MCMC emerges as an inherently unified sampling scheme, in the sense that variance reduction and geometric exploitation of the parameter space can be performed simultaneously without exceeding the computational requirements posed by the geometric MCMC scheme alone. A MATLAB package is provided, which implements a generic code framework of the combined methodology for a range of models. Cited in 12 Documents MSC: 60J22 Computational methods in Markov chains 60D05 Geometric probability and stochastic geometry 62-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to statistics 62F15 Bayesian inference 62J02 General nonlinear regression Keywords:Metropolis-Hastings; Hamiltonian Monte Carlo; Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithms; control variates Software:Matlab; TFad; BayesDA × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Euclid References: [1] Adler, S. L. 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