Yi, Peng; Hong, Yiguang; Liu, Feng Distributed gradient algorithm for constrained optimization with application to load sharing in power systems. (English) Zbl 1327.93033 Syst. Control Lett. 83, 45-52 (2015). Summary: In this paper, a distributed constrained optimization problem is discussed to achieve the optimal point of the sum of agents’ local objective functions while satisfying local constraints. Here neither the local objective function nor local constraint functions of each agent can be shared with other agents. To solve the problem, a novel distributed continuous-time algorithm is proposed by using the KKT condition combined with the Lagrangian multiplier method, and the convergence is proved with the help of Lyapunov functions and an invariance principle for hybrid systems. Furthermore, this distributed algorithm is applied to optimal load sharing control problem in power systems. Both theoretical and numerical results show that the optimal load sharing can be achieved within both generation and delivering constraints in a distributed way. Cited in 58 Documents MSC: 93A14 Decentralized systems 93C95 Application models in control theory 49N90 Applications of optimal control and differential games 49M30 Other numerical methods in calculus of variations (MSC2010) Keywords:distributed optimization; constrained optimization; gradient flow; multi-agent system; load sharing control × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Nedic, A.; Ozdaglar, A., Distributed subgradient methods for multi-agent optimization, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 54, 1, 48-61 (2009) · Zbl 1367.90086 [2] Nedic, A.; Ozdaglar, A.; Parrilo, A. P., Constrained consensus and optimization in multi-agent networks, IEEE Trans. Automat. 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