Zygmund, Antoni; Transue, W.; Morse, M.; Calderon, A. P.; Bochner, S. Contributions to Fourier analysis. (English) Zbl 1341.42001 Annals of Mathematics Studies 25. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (ISBN 978-0-691-07930-1/pbk; 978-1-4008-8195-6/ebook). vi, 189 p. (1950). Cited in 4 Documents MSC: 42-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces 00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{A. Zygmund} et al., Contributions to Fourier analysis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (1950; Zbl 1341.42001) Full Text: DOI