Subani, Norazlina; Amin, Norsarahaida Analysis of water hammer with different closing valve laws on transient flow of hydrogen-natural gas mixture. (English) Zbl 1351.76267 Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2015, Article ID 510675, 12 p. (2015). Summary: Water hammer on transient flow of hydrogen-natural gas mixture in a horizontal pipeline is analysed to determine the relationship between pressure waves and different modes of closing and opening of valves. Four types of laws applicable to closing valve, namely, instantaneous, linear, concave, and convex laws, are considered. These closure laws describe the speed variation of the hydrogen-natural gas mixture as the valve is closing. The numerical solution is obtained using the reduced order modelling technique. The results show that changes in the pressure wave profile and amplitude depend on the type of closing laws, valve closure times, and the number of polygonal segments in the closing function. The pressure wave profile varies from square to triangular and trapezoidal shape depending on the type of closing laws, while the amplitude of pressure waves reduces as the closing time is reduced and the numbers of polygonal segments are increased. The instantaneous and convex closing laws give rise to minimum and maximum pressure, respectively. MSC: 76N15 Gas dynamics (general theory) × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Afshar, H.; Kerachian, R.; Bazargan-Lari, M. R.; Niktash, A. R., Developing a closing rule curve for valves in pipelines to control the water hammer impacts: application of the NSGA-II optimization model, Proceedings of the 7th International Pipelines Conference (IPC ’08), American Society of Civil Engineering Pipelines (ASCE) · doi:10.1061/40994(321)72 [2] Wood, D. J.; Lingireddy, S.; Karney, B. W.; Mcpherson, D. 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