Lastra, A.; Malek, S.; Sanz, J. Strongly regular multi-level solutions of singularly perturbed linear partial differential equations. (English) Zbl 1353.35033 Result. Math. 70, No. 3-4, 581-614 (2016). Summary: We study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions related to a family of singularly perturbed partial differential equations in the complex domain. The analytic solutions are asymptotically represented by a formal power series in the perturbation parameter. The geometry of the problem and the nature of the elements involved in it give rise to different asymptotic levels related to the so-called strongly regular sequences. The result leans on a novel version of a multi-level Ramis-Sibuya theorem. Cited in 10 Documents MSC: 35B25 Singular perturbations in context of PDEs 35C10 Series solutions to PDEs 35C20 Asymptotic expansions of solutions to PDEs 40C10 Integral methods for summability Keywords:formal power series; Borel-Laplace transform; Borel summability; Gevrey asymptotic expansions; strongly regular sequence; complex domain; multi-level Ramis-Sibuya theorem × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Link References: [1] Balser, W.: From divergent power series to analytic functions. Theory and application of multisummable power series. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, x+108 pp (1994) · Zbl 0810.34046 [2] Balser, W.: Formal power series and linear systems of meromorphic ordinary differential equations. Universitext. Springer, New York, xviii+299 pp (2000) · Zbl 0942.34004 [3] Balser W., Yoshino M.: Gevrey order of formal power series solutions of inhomogeneous partial differential equations with constant coefficients. 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