Maruyama, Masaki [Abe, T.; Inaba, M.] Moduli spaces of stable sheaves on schemes: restriction theorems, boundedness and the GIT construction. With collaboration of T. Abe and M. Inaba. (English) Zbl 1357.14017 MSJ Memoirs 33. Tokyo: Mathematical Society of Japan (ISBN 978-4-86497-034-1/pbk). xi, 154 p. (2016). The main goal of this book is to introduce a construction of the moduli space of (semi-)stable sheaves on schemes. The book is structured in three chapters and the goal is achieved in the last of three (sections III.5, 6 and 9). The key concepts for this construction appear on chapters I and II. These concepts are boundeness, openness, and some main properties are developed in subsequent sections. Besides, restriction theorems are also proved in chapter II. Finally, some properties of moduli space as the projectivity are also proved.The book is written for mathematicians with a large background in topics such as algebraic geometry, sheaves and generalities of moduli spaces: although the book covers some definitions on moduli space, they are presented in a informal way. But excluding these generalities on basic topics, the book’s exposition is rigorously done with a dry taste. Finally, the bibliography could seem poor if it is compared with other books devoted to higher mathematics.The following paragraphs will give a brief survey of the main work of each section of this book.The first chapter covers a short introduction of moduli spaces and stable sheaves, and some generalities on boundedness and openness, both will be key concepts in the subsequent development of the theory. Moreover, in this chapter, we find classic theorems such as the Harder-Narashiman filtration and the filtration.While the first chapter is devoted to core definitions, in Chapter II the results on restriction and (specially) boundedness are developed. Restriction theorems are obtained in the two first sections concluding on the Grauert-Mülich-Spindler theorem, and in the sixth section the Mumford-Mehta-Ramanathan theorem. Third and four sections are devoted to some statements of boundedness. The next section gives a result which guarrantees the stability of tensor product of semi-stable sheaves up to torsion. Finally, the last section is devoted to Simpson’s stability. Here, authors proves classic properties such as an equivalent Harder-Narashiman filtration, boundednes and openness for sheaves satisfying such stability notion.The main aim of the third chapter is to stablish the basis of the construction of the moduli space. The first section provides a construction of the Quot-schemes (introduced in the first chapter). The next section introduces the main ideas of the GIT (Geometric Invariant Theory) techniques, in particular those results are necessary for the construction of the moduli space of stable sheaves. Two new concepts are defined in the third section: the S-equivalence of sheaves, determined by the filtration; and the e-stability, determined by the restriction of the sheaves through hyperplane sections. Again, openness and boundedness properties are established for these e-semistable sheaves whenever the Hilbert polynomial is fixed for boundedness.The subsequent sections are focused on the development of the construction of the moduli spaces. Section four presents several functors closely related to the moduli problem of this book. Here, authors prove the representativily for these functors and hence the existence of a coarse moduli space. Some key spaces for later chapters are also defined in such a section. Then, fifth section defines the coarse moduli space \(M_{X/S}(H)\) where \(H\) is the fixed Hilbert polynomial and proves that it is a locally of finite type and separate scheme over \(S\).Section six explores the case of characteristic zero. The main result is that the moduli space defined in the previous section is projective over \(S\) for semi-stable and the moduli space of stable bundles is quasi-projective. Section seven explores the action of \(GL(V)\) on \(Gr_r(V\otimes W)\) and characterizes the orbits. Using Langton’s ideas, section eigth presentes a valuative criterion for properness. Finally, the last section presented the general case (not only for characteristic zero) and concludes the projectiveness of the moduli space of semi-stable sheaves.The book finishes with two appendix. The first one is devoted to therorem of boundedness ofa familly introduced in the Chapter III, and concludes a generalization of the Corolary 9.5. The second appendix is an account of some properties of the moduli spaces such as smoothness. Reviewer: Jonathan Sánchez Hernández (Loja) Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 3 Documents MSC: 14D20 Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles 14J60 Vector bundles on surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, and their moduli 14F05 Sheaves, derived categories of sheaves, etc. (MSC2010) Keywords:moduli spaces; vector bundles; sheaves; stability; GIT constructions × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Link