
Isomorphic extensions and applications. (English) Zbl 1362.37026

Summary: If \(\pi\colon (X,T)\to(Z,S)\) is a topological factor map between uniquely ergodic topological dynamical systems, then \((X,T)\) is called an isomorphic extension of \((Z,S)\) if \(\pi\) is also a measure-theoretic isomorphism. We consider the case when the systems are minimal and we pay special attention to equicontinuous \((Z,S)\). We first establish a characterization of this type of isomorphic extensions in terms of mean equicontinuity, and then show that an isomorphic extension need not be almost one-to-one, answering questions of J. Li et al. [Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst. 35, No. 8, 2587–2612 (2015; Zbl 1356.37016)].


37B05 Dynamical systems involving transformations and group actions with special properties (minimality, distality, proximality, expansivity, etc.)
37A05 Dynamical aspects of measure-preserving transformations


Zbl 1356.37016
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