
Strong convergence of iterative algorithm for a new system of generalized \(H(\cdots,\cdot)-\eta\)-cocoercive operator inclusions in Banach spaces. (English) Zbl 1364.47010

Summary: We introduce and study a new system of generalized \(H(\cdots,\cdot)-\eta\)-cocoercive operator inclusions in Banach spaces. Using the resolvent operator technique associated with \(H(\cdots,\cdot)-\eta\)-cocoercive operators, we suggest and analyze a new generalized algorithm of nonlinear set-valued variational inclusions and establish strong convergence of iterative sequences produced by the method. We highlight the applicability of our results by examples in function spaces.


47J25 Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators
47J22 Variational and other types of inclusions
47H06 Nonlinear accretive operators, dissipative operators, etc.


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