Dembo, Amir; Montanari, Andrea; Sen, Subhabrata Extremal cuts of sparse random graphs. (English) Zbl 1372.05196 Ann. Probab. 45, No. 2, 1190-1217 (2017). Summary: For Erdős-Rényi random graphs with average degree \(\gamma\), and uniformly random \(\gamma\)-regular graph on \(n\) vertices, we prove that with high probability the size of both the Max-Cut and maximum bisection are \(n(\frac{\gamma}{4}+\mathsf{P}_\ast\sqrt{\frac{\gamma}{4}}+o(\sqrt{\gamma}))+o(n)\) while the size of the minimum bisection is \(n(\frac{\gamma}{4}-\mathsf{P}_\ast\sqrt{\frac{\gamma}{4}}+o(\sqrt{\gamma}))+o(n)\). Our derivation relates the free energy of the anti-ferromagnetic Ising model on such graphs to that of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, with \(\mathsf{P}_\ast\approx0.7632\) standing for the ground state energy of the latter, expressed analytically via Parisi’s formula. Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 32 Documents MSC: 05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects) 05C42 Density (toughness, etc.) 68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science 82B44 Disordered systems (random Ising models, random Schrödinger operators, etc.) in equilibrium statistical mechanics Keywords:max-cut; bisection; Erdős-Rényi graph; regular graph; Ising model; spin glass; Parisi formula × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid