
Surprising examples of nonrational smooth spectral surfaces. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1408.13069

Sb. Math. 209, No. 8, 1131-1154 (2018); translation from Mat. Sb. 209, No. 8, 29-55 (2018).
The aim of this paper is to study necessary and sufficient algebro-geometric conditions for the existence of a nontrivial commutative subalgebra of rank \(1\) in \(\widehat{D}\), a completion of the algebra of partial differential operators in two variables, which can be thought of as a simple algebraic analogue of the algebra of analytic pseudo-differential operators on a manifold. These are conditions on a projective (spectral) surface; they are encoded in a new notion of pre-spectral data. For smooth surfaces the sufficient conditions look especially simple. On a smooth projective surface there should exist an ample integral curve \(C\) with \(C^2=1\) and \(h^0(X, \mathcal{O}_X(C))=1\), and a divisor \(D\) with \((D, C)_X=g(C)-1\), \(h^i(X, \mathcal{O}_X(D))=0\), \(i=0, 1, 2\), and \(h^0(X, \mathcal{O}_X(D+C))=1\). What is amazing is that there are examples of such surfaces for which the corresponding commutative subalgebras do not admit isospectral deformations. This paper is organized as follows: the first section is an introduction to the subject. In the second section the author gives a review of the classification theory of commuting operators. At the end of the section he proves a refined version of the classification theorem for commutative algebras of rank \(1\). In the third section, the author introduces the notion of pre-spectral data of rank \(1\) and shows that they can be extended to spectral data, thus reducing the problem of finding examples of commutative subalgebras in the algebra \(\widehat{D}\) to a purely algebro-geometric problem. In particular, he shows that the divisor \(C\) (which is a priori \(\mathbb{Q}\)-Cartier) is Cartier. Section four is devoted to the question of the existence of smooth spectral surfaces. He recalls the notion of trivial commutative subalgebras and shows that smooth spectral surfaces with ample divisors of arithmetical genus less than or equal to \(1\) lead to trivial commutative subalgebras. Then he shows that the properties of the smooth surfaces mentioned in the abstract are sufficient for the existence of pre-spectral data with smooth spectral surface and a locally free spectral sheaf. There are examples of such surfaces, and the moduli space of spectral sheaves is finite in these examples, that is, the corresponding commutative subalgebras do not have any isospectral deformations.


13N15 Derivations and commutative rings
14H81 Relationships between algebraic curves and physics
37K20 Relations of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian dynamical systems with algebraic geometry, complex analysis, and special functions
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