
Effect of the grain elongation on the behaviour of granular materials in biaxial compression. (English. French summary) Zbl 1419.74097

Summary: We study the effect of the grain elongation on the shearing behaviour of dense granular materials by means of 2D numerical simulations of biaxial compression tests, using the contact dynamics method. The case of grains with hexagonal shapes (and four possible different elongations) is studied in comparison to the case of a sample with circular grains. For the shapes studied, samples with polygonal grains exhibit initial densities higher than the sample with discs, and the initial density decreases when the grain elongation increases. The friction angle at the residual state increases linearly with the particle elongation ratio. The cumulative rotations of discs are higher than those of polygons. Finally, in the case of elongated hexagons, the grains with highest rotations are located along thin bands because the shear bands are thinner and more persistent for these shapes.


74E20 Granularity