
A large deformation breakage model of granular materials including porosity and inelastic distortional deformation rate. (English) Zbl 1423.74846

Summary: A general constitutive model of crushable granular materials is developed within the context of large deformations. The time evolution equations for breakage, inelastic porous compaction and dilation, and distortional deformations are coupled by a yield surface and restrictions are imposed to ensure that these inelastic processes are dissipative. Some of the most salient mechanisms of such materials are described, including: (1) stiffness dependent on the breakage (a variable index of grading), porosity, and pressure; (2) critical comminution pressure and isotropic hardening, also dependent on the breakage and porosity; (3) jamming transition between solid and gaseous states; (4) a dilation law that embodies competition between porous compaction (due to the rate of breakage) and bulking (porous dilation at positive pressure due to the rate of inelastic distortional deformation); and finally, (5) the non-unique critical state relation between stress and porosity, in terms of the loading history and grading changes.


74R10 Brittle fracture
74E20 Granularity
74C20 Large-strain, rate-dependent theories of plasticity
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