
Trigonometric sums of nets of algebraic lattices. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1434.11161

Summary: The paper continues the author’s research on the evaluation of trigonometric sums of an algebraic net with weights with the simplest weight function of the second order.
For the parameter \(\vec{m}\) of the trigonometric sum \(S_{M(t),\vec\rho_1} (\vec m)\), three cases are highlighted.
If \(\vec{m}\) belongs to the algebraic lattice \(\Lambda (t \cdot T(\vec a))\), then the asymptotic formula is valid \[S_{M(t),\vec\rho_1}(t(m,\ldots, m))=1+O\left(\frac{\ln^{s-1}\det \Lambda(t)} { (\det\Lambda(t))^2}\right).\]
If \(\vec{m}\) does not belong to the algebraic lattice \(\Lambda(t\cdot T(\vec a))\), then two vectors are defined \(\vec{n}_\Lambda(\vec{m})=(n_1,\ldots,n_s)\) and \(\vec{k}_\Lambda(\vec{m})\) from the conditions \(\vec{k}_\Lambda(\vec{m})\in\Lambda, \vec{m}=\vec{n}_\Lambda(\vec{M})+\vec{K}_\lambda(\vec{m})\) and the product \(q(\vec{n}_\lambda(\vec{m}))=\overline{n_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot\overline{n_s}\) is minimal. Asymptotic estimation is proved \[S_{M(t),\vec\rho_1}(t(m,\ldots,m))=\frac{1-\delta(\vec{k}_\Lambda(\vec{m}))}{q(\vec{n}_\Lambda(\vec{m}))^2}+O\left(\frac{q(\vec{n}_\Lambda(\vec{m}))^2\ln^{s-1}\det \Lambda (t)}{ (\det\Lambda(t))^2}\right). \]


11L03 Trigonometric and exponential sums (general theory)
11H06 Lattices and convex bodies (number-theoretic aspects)
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