
On minimum leaf spanning trees and a criticality notion. (English) Zbl 1440.05062

Summary: The minimum leaf number of a connected non-Hamiltonian graph \(G\) is the number of leaves of a spanning tree of \(G\) with the fewest leaves among all spanning trees of \(G\). Based on this quantity, Wiener introduced leaf-stable and leaf-critical graphs, concepts which generalise hypotraceability and hypohamiltonicity. In this article, we present new methods to construct leaf-stable and leaf-critical graphs and study their properties. Furthermore, we improve several bounds related to these families of graphs. These extend previous results of J. A. Horton [“A hypotraceable graph”, Res. Rep. CoRR 73–4 (1973)], C. Thomassen [Discrete Math. 14, 377–389 (1976; Zbl 0322.05130)], and G. Wiener [J. Graph Theory 84, No. 4, 443–459 (2017; Zbl 1359.05072)].


05C05 Trees
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