Caputo, Pietro; Labbé, Cyril; Lacoin, Hubert Spectral gap and cutoff phenomenon for the Gibbs sampler of \(\nabla \varphi\) interfaces with convex potential. (English. French summary) Zbl 1502.37032 Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, Probab. Stat. 58, No. 2, 794-826 (2022). Summary: We consider the Gibbs sampler, or heat bath dynamics associated to log-concave measures on \({\mathbb{R}^N}\) describing \(\nabla \varphi\) interfaces with convex potentials. Under minimal assumptions on the potential, we find that the spectral gap of the process is always given by \({\text{gap}_N}=1-\cos (\pi /N)\), and that for all \(\epsilon \in (0,1)\), its \(\varepsilon \)-mixing time satisfies \({T_N}(\epsilon )\sim \frac{\log N}{2{\text{gap}_N}}\) as \(N\to \infty \), thus establishing the cutoff phenomenon. The results reveal a universal behavior in that they do not depend on the choice of the potential. Cited in 6 Documents MSC: 37C40 Smooth ergodic theory, invariant measures for smooth dynamical systems 37A25 Ergodicity, mixing, rates of mixing 37A50 Dynamical systems and their relations with probability theory and stochastic processes 60J25 Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces 82C22 Interacting particle systems in time-dependent statistical mechanics Keywords:cutoff; mixing time; spectral gap × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv References: [1] F. Barthe and E. Milman. Transference principles for log-Sobolev and spectral-gap with applications to conservative spin systems. Comm. Math. Phys. 323 (2013) 575-625. · Zbl 1297.82011 · doi:10.1007/s00220-013-1782-2 [2] F. Barthe and P. Wolff. Remarks on non-interacting conservative spin systems: The case of gamma distributions. Stochastic Process. Appl. 119 (2009) 2711-2723. · Zbl 1169.60325 · doi:10.1016/ [3] T. Bodineau, D. Ioffe and Y. Velenik. 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