
Stillman’s question for twisted commutative algebras. (English) Zbl 1503.13004

Summary: Let \(\mathbb{A}_{n, m}\) be the polynomial ring \(\mathrm{Sym}(\mathbb{C}^n \otimes \mathbb{C}^m)\) with the natural action of \(\mathrm{GL}_m (\mathbb{C})\). We consider a family of \(\mathrm{GL}_m (\mathbb{C})\)-stable ideals \(J_{n, m}\) in \(\mathbb{A}_{n, m}\), each equivariantly generated by one homogeneous polynomial of degree 2 and show that the regularity of this family is unbounded. Using this, we negatively answer a question raised by D. Erman et al. [Int. Math. Res. Not. 2021, No. 16, 12281–12304 (2021; Zbl 1495.13026)] on a generalization of Stillman’s conjecture.


13A50 Actions of groups on commutative rings; invariant theory
13D02 Syzygies, resolutions, complexes and commutative rings


Zbl 1495.13026


Macaulay2; SINGULAR
Full Text: DOI arXiv Link


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