
Metric graphs, cross ratios, and Rayleigh’s laws. (English) Zbl 1507.05094

Summary: We systematically study the notion of cross ratios and energy pairings on metric graphs and electrical networks. We show that several foundational results on electrical networks and metric graphs immediately follow from the basic properties of cross ratios. For example, the projection matrices of Kirchhoff have natural (and efficiently computable) expressions in terms of cross ratios. We prove a generalized version of Rayleigh’s law, relating energy pairings and cross ratios on metric graphs before and after contracting an edge segment. Quantitative versions of Rayleigh’s law for effective resistances, potential kernels, and cross ratios will follow as immediate corollaries.


05C90 Applications of graph theory
05C12 Distance in graphs
05C50 Graphs and linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues, etc.)
05C82 Small world graphs, complex networks (graph-theoretic aspects)
14T15 Combinatorial aspects of tropical varieties
35J05 Laplace operator, Helmholtz equation (reduced wave equation), Poisson equation
94C05 Analytic circuit theory


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